What We Do


Our focus is on the conservation and stewardship of oil and gas natural resources, with protections for our Groundwater, Surface Water, Air, and Land.

  • Site Visits and Compliance Review

    For mineral interests that we directly own or control, we are able to perform site visits to ensure compliance with environmental obligations.

  • Negotiation with a Focus.

    Sometimes it is inevitable that oil and gas drilling will take place, such as when other owners in a given property lease their minerals. When an oil company seeks to lease our minerals, we focus lease negotiations on proper environmental protections first, and monetary considerations second. This benefits all owners in the area, regardless of what their lease form may say. It is not uncommon for the oil company to try to push a 2-3 page lease form, when a 10 page form may be more appropriate.

  • Education and Awareness.

    We seek to education our supporters, the general public, and our own staff and directors. We write articles of interest, attend educational programs put on by other organizations, and promote other organizations with similar goals or who provide interesting educational content.

  • Giving Forward.

    When funds allow, we seek to support other non-profit organizations with similar objectives, as well as provide scholarship opportunities.

A common oil tank site in West Texas, with common signs of contamination.

A common oil tank site in West Texas, with common signs of contamination.


The picture above demonstrates why our organization exists. It is a common oil tank site outside of Sweetwater, Texas. Unfortunately, there is nothing uncommon about the state of this particular site. It is one of thousands, and the signs of disregard and contamination are obvious.

The United States is unique in that private individuals and organizations can own mineral rights. Thus, parties can contract directly with the oil company and include additional environmental protections that go beyond the regulated minimums. Private parties can also keep a closer eye on these properties than underfunded or understaffed government agencies.