Project ECOSite
Objective: Ensure oil and gas well sites are being operated without contaminating the surrounding area. When contamination is found, inform and educate the operator and conduct additional inspections in the future to monitor compliance.
How we meet our Objective: With current funding, we aim to conduct site visits of wellsites in the Texas regions, focusing on visual indications of contamination, such as spills and unsecured hazardous materials. With increased funding, the program can be expanded to other geographic areas, and we can also monitor for non-visual signs of contamination, such as Hydrogen Sulfide leaks and more thorough water analysis.
Project Term: This is a ERGF core project, with an ongoing term.
Objective & Quantifiable Success Tracking: Success for Project ECOSite is measured by objective and quantifiable data. We collect data on the number of sites that we visit, sites that we cannot access, sites with or without visible contamination, sites with or without indications of non-visible contamination, number of informational/educational communications with oil and gas operators, and more.
Project ECOSite seeks to locate oil and gas wellsites like this to identify environmental risk factors. The program seeks to educate oil producers on the harms caused by such sites, and how the sites can be cleaned. The program then seeks to conduct future checks on these sites to ensure compliance.