ERGF welcomes Donor Advised Fund (DAF) support

Donor Advised Funds, or DAFs, have become an increasingly popular charitable giving vehicle in recent years. Rather than making a direct gift to the charity, the prospective Donor partners with an investment firm that manages the Donor’s donation. The donation is immediately tax-deductible, but remains managed by the investment firm until it is deployed to the charitable organization. While being managed, any investment gains are tax-free. The Donor remains informed and involved, and may recommend grants to qualified public charities.

ERGF welcomes your support. We believe that DAFs are a great option for Donors, and we support the requirements that DAFs place on non-profit organizations. DAF funds are intended to support non-profit Programs, not salaries and marketing, and ERGF stands behind this principle.

If you are a prospective Donor, we welcome you to recommend ERGF to your DAF manager. Or, use the link below to begin the process via DAFDirect (for Donors already using Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund).

If you have more questions about DAFs or Donations in general, please call, email, or use the below form to get in touch with us.

(817) 717-5452